讀特客戶端·深圳新聞網(wǎng)2021年10月15日訊(記者 鹿筱悅 馮牧原 張玲 童小晉)城中村是深圳一個(gè)特殊的存在。當(dāng)城市墜入黑夜,村里的燈光次第亮起,賣菜的阿姨,擔(dān)水果的阿叔,路邊的小攤販,眾生萬象與城市的煙火氣,就在這個(gè)紛雜擁擠的舞臺(tái)鮮活地呈現(xiàn)開來。
Urban village is a special existence in Shenzhen. When the night comes, village lights up one by one, with peddlers selling vegetables and fruits. All lifes and the breath of the city are vividly presented in a crowded stage.
In order to retain this trace of warmth, the old warehouse(Goodone) came into being.
English Version