下午的陽(yáng)光,為摘荔枝的Alya勾勒出唯美的輪廓光。(李丹璐 攝)
手捧荔枝,金洪竹喜悅之情溢于言表。(張玲 攝)
There was a saying: Guangdong lychee depends on Shenzhen, and Shenzhen lychee depends on Nanshan. As one of the"Three Treasures of Nanshan", Nanshan lychee is the only lychee with geographical protection mark in the world. In Xili Orchard, there are many senior lychee trees that are over hundreds years old. With the meticulous care of orchard workers, the branches of lychee trees are all covered by red delicate fruits.
深圳新聞網(wǎng)記者金洪竹(右)小心翼翼,剝開(kāi)荔枝果殼。(張玲 攝)
滿(mǎn)滿(mǎn)的幸福感、收獲感。(張玲 攝)
剝開(kāi)果殼,就是白如凝脂的荔枝果肉。(張玲 攝)