
2023-06-13 09:57
來源: 深圳新聞網(wǎng)


深圳新聞網(wǎng)2023年6月12日訊(記者 金洪竹 馮牧原 林恒鑫 陳彥如 張玲 實習生 劉茜)第十九屆文博會于6月11日閉幕,這一場文化盛宴也吸引了眾多國際友人和外籍參展商,我們采訪了尼泊爾、法國、比利時、韓國的參展商,他們說這是一場超乎想象的展會,實在太好逛了。


The 19th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industry Fair, short for ICIF, concluded on June 11th, attracting numerous international friends and foreign exhibitors. We interviewed exhibitors from Nepal, France, Belgium, and Republic of Korea, and they described it as an extraordinary exhibition that was extremely enjoyable to explore.

An Myeongsu, an exhibitor from Republic of Korea, described the scale of the 19th ICIF as "beyond imagination" and expressed his intention to participate again next year.

Benjamin, a handsome pal from Belgium told us that this expo offered so much to see. As an exhibitor, he couldn't wait to explore the exhibition himself.

Anne, president of the French Institute of Design,expressed her admiration, saying that she witnessed nothing but positive energy at ICIF, where everyone seemed young. For her, the expo represented the new economy - culture, technology, and young people.

Frank, who came from Nepal to participate in the expo in Shenzhen, spoke fluent Mandarin. In his free time, he also visited various exhibition halls and was delighted to witness diverse Chinese cultures from different regions at the expo.

[編輯:劉夢婷 陳蘇雅] [責任編輯:單銘捷]